Eastern Veil Nebula shot in HaOiiiRGB

Mosaic of the Cygnus Loop

Elephant’s Trunk with The Caravan

Starless Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula (IC 1396a)

The Rosette Nebula in Black and White

The Rosette Nebula imaged with H-alpha and O-III filters.

This image of the Lagoon Nebula was shot with a DSLR in H-alpha light from Los Angeles.

The Eagle Nebula spreads its wings among the glittering stars.

Reprocessed image of the Eagle Nebula achieves truer color rendition and higher detail.

The Eagle Nebula

This emission nebula traces the shape of a heart in the constellation Cassiopeia.

The Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula shot from L.A. in H-alpha light

2017 Solar Eclipse (High-Dynamic-Range Image)

Solar Prominences of The Great American Eclipse, 2017

Three sets of prominences were visible during the 2017 solar ecliopse.

Montage of 2017 Solar Eclipse

2017 Solar Eclipse (Single-Frame)

Two-day-old waxing crescent

The Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

The Triangulum Galaxy (M33) is the third largest member of our local group.

The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) in Ursa Major

A trio of galaxies gathers in the constellation Leo.

Markarian’s Chain forms part of a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Virgo.

Bode’s Galaxy (M81) & Cigar Galaxy (M82)

Comet NEOWISE on July 16, 2020

Comet Neowise from Los Angeles on July 11, 2020

In this full-frame image, the Dumbbell Nebula (M27) resembles a soap bubble floating among thousands of stars. (Field of view < 2 degrees wide.)

North America Nebula (NGC7000)